Updating & Translating
Contracts, Employee Handbooks, Disclosures, Signage & other Important Information
Covid-19 took the whole world by storm. Now more than ever, your communication needs to be up-to-date, informative and accurate — no matter what language it is read in.
To protect your organization from liability, make sure the documents/disclosures that matter most are regularly updated and accurately translated. A lousy translation can open your organization up to unwanted litigation, possibly offend others, or otherwise harm your credibility.
Use high-quality translations for the important stuff:
- Employee Manuals, Policies & Procedures
- Safety Protocols
- Contracts & other Agreements
- Disclosures
- Website Language
- Updates, Alerts & other Communication
- Signage & Information Posters
Can I trust Google Translate?
Business Insider noted a bizarre Google Translate fail for translating a list of countries from English to Spanish. “Ten of the 30 countries got cut from Google’s version of the list, and for some reason, Honduras is repeated four times, while Guatemala and the United States appear twice”

Machine translation engines like Google Translate don’t recognize context and also tend to translate more literally. If someone is viewing your website in another language, are you confident that what they are reading is accurate?
Magna offers post-machine translation review & editing. Our experienced translators will review existing translations for accuracy, saving you time and money versus translating from scratch.
However, translating from scratch will always give you the highest-quality translation while preserving the right context and tone.
Legal Translation Services
Magna Legal Services provides added value compared to traditional stand-alone translation agencies through first-hand industry expertise and knowledge of the specific needs of our clients.
Our translators are all college-educated professionals with extensive experience in legal, medical, technical and business fields.
All Magna translators sign confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements, so your confidential information is always secure with us.
Types of Document Translation
- Patents
- Bylaws
- Claim documents
- Contracts
- Clinical trial documentation
- Accident reports
- Medical bills
- Healthcare records
- Technical manuals and drawings
- Engineering specifications
- Software documentation
- Websites
- Standard operating procedures
Business & Government
- Responses to international RFPs
- Employee training materials
- Human resource documentation
- Financial reports
- Customs documentation
- Business correspondence
Translation Packages:
Magna Language Services
Save 25 – 30% when you bundle your translation needs with Magna.
Magna offers custom-tailored translation solutions, so you only pay for what you need!
Whether you need one language or many, full translation from scratch or review/editing of existing translations, or a combination thereof — Magna can handle it all.
Contact Magna to request a no-obligation translation quote or to learn more about Magna’s translation and interpreting services.
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