This free virtual Magna LS CLE originally aired live on May 18, 2022.
This presentation discussed the proliferation of nuclear verdicts around the country, some of the psychological reasons behind such verdicts, and provided practical advice for defendants as to how to avoid being on the receiving end of a nuclear verdict. Traditional versus new and recommended defense approaches to damages were discussed – specifically, the concept of low anchoring – supported by academic research as well as jury research case studies.
- Rachel York Colangelo, Ph.D., National Managing Director of Jury Consulting, Magna Legal Services
- Caryn L. Lilling, Esq., Partner, Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP
- Richard Montes, Esq., Partner, Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP
- Jessica Gimbel, SVP of Business Development, Magna Legal Services
- Peter Hecht, Partner & Executive Vice President of Sales, Magna Legal Services