Records Navigator

Record Review & Organization

Your time is valuable. HyperNav® makes record review quick & effortless:

  • Summary & Index tables provide all key information in one place
  • Everything chronologically organized
  • No more searching: Receive one PDF file with hyperlinks and bookmarks throughout
  • Seamless navigation: Each occurrence of key terms and provider/facility names are hyperlinked in the index table and highlighted throughout the PDF
  • Input new records anytime they come in discovery

All documents, Summary table and Index table are sorted by dates of service for easy navigation and a clear picture of the medical story at hand.

The Summary Table at the beginning of the document includes the dates of service, a list of all clinical/diagnosis codes and key terms found, as well as a list of all the facilities/providers discovered.
Here, you will also fi­nd the CMS defi­nitions for all referenced clinical/diagnosis codes and the National Provider Identi­fiers (NPI) for provider names.

With data indexing, you’ll fi­nd all key information in one place. HyperNav® will extract the below values from your documents, organize them in an Index Table, and highlight each occurrence throughout the PDF.

  • Dates of Service
  • Facilities/Providers
  • Key Terms
  • Clinical/diagnosis codes

The HyperNav® output combines everything into a single PDF fi­le, with interactive hyperlinks and bookmarks throughout for quick and easy navigation. No more scrolling:

  • Summary Table, Index Table and all individual documents are bookmarked
  • Page numbers and key term occurrences are hyperlinked in the summary & index tables to bring you their respective locations
  • Return back to the Index Table at anytime with the link included in each page header

Outsourcing Medical Record Review

We know that acquiring medical records from facilities can be tedious and time consuming… but what about when you finally have them all?
Hours of sifting through documents, organizing and interpreting medical data? It can feel like putting together a jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the picture is supposed to look like.
Click to read why more and more attorneys are now opting to outsource record review services like HyperNav®:

Benefits of Outsourcing Record Review

Retrieve a Record

To request a record, click below or contact Magna directly at 866.624.6221 or [email protected]

Request a Record