Editor’s Note

Happy sweet 16 birthday Magna LS! I still can’t believe we started our company literally out of a broom closet. Seriously, Mark Calzaretta and I actually cleared out a supply closet, squeezed in a small desk, with room for a tiny chair and boom we had the beginning of a finance department. I’m not sure how much our comptroller, Maria Capetola enjoyed her first office but I can tell you we were all very relieved when she showed up to the office the next day. Today she has a nice corner office and plenty of space! 

So, here’s where we are today… we have a new PE partner Odyssey Investment Partners. They are a great crew based out of NYC and super excited about adding to Magna LS success with an aggressive M&A plan. That means if you know any agency owners big or small (court reporting, record retrieval, jury research or language services) looking for an exit plan or to take it down a notch, we will kindly accept all intros. 

Lastly, I want to congratulate Jessica Gimbel Carnes for ranking once again as the top sales performer in 2022 at Magna LS. She continues to amaze me and my partners each year. Here’s some Magna trivia… she is known as the “Queen of Sales” at the office. So remember that for our next Magna trivia party. She is so awesome. She values her client relationships and always takes time to truly listen.  It’s been a real pleasure to see her success year over year. As LinkedIn would like me to say,”Kudos 🤗!”. 

Please enjoy this issue and if you would like to contribute to our next one contact me or your local rep at 866-624-6221…. that’s 866-624-6221. And remember hire us early and often!


Peter Hecht

Partner & Executive Vice President of Sales

Magna Legal Services