Jurors not only instinctively pick up on the way in which other attorneys, judges, etc. treat female litigators, but also often hold gender biases of their own, before ever setting foot in the courtroom. Magna Legal Services hosted a virtual CLE, examining the history of women in the courtroom with an emphasis on how past perceptions can influence jurors’ judgement of female attorneys in today’s world. Drawing upon data collected from various psychological research initiatives across the country, this webinar focused on the legal implications of the inherent implicit and explicit gender biases held by jurors. Strategies for combatting gender bias in the courtroom are also discussed.
Watch a recording of the webinar below, which originally aired live on Wednesday, May 12th at 4PM (ET):
Panelists include:
– Elizabeth McBride, Applied Materials, VP, Global Litigation, Compliance and Privacy
– Effie Silva, Cargill, Ethics & Compliance Leader
– Heather Stern, Whole Foods, General Counsel & Senior Vice President of Legal Affairs
– Rachel York Colangelo, Magna Legal Services, National Managing Director of Jury Consulting
– Honorable Sue L. Robinson (ret.), Farnan LLP
Moderated by:
– Monica Latin, Carrington Coleman, Managing Partner
Brought to you by:
– Peter Hecht, Magna Legal Services, Partner & Executive Vice President of Sales
– Lee Diamondstein, Esq., Magna Legal Services, Vice President of Strategic Accounts