Legal Video Services & Support
The deposition is the cornerstone of discovery and building a solid case. With trial in mind, capturing a deponent’s testimony via legal video services can be the difference in effectively communicating credible (or not credible) testimony.
With Magna, you can remotely hold depositions, arbitrations, meetings, witness communication training, mock trials, and other jury research sessions.
Magna Legal Service’s in-house videography department employs highly experienced legal videographers providing the widest range of video deposition solutions. Using up-to-date technology, the most current video formats and industry standard software, Magna’s video department delivers the highest quality final product to take you from discovery to trial.
Video Services
- In-house videographers
- Worldwide deposition coverage
- Certified Trial Director technicians
- Video / transcript sync (DepoView)
- Editing, cutting, and redacting video for trial use
- Site inspections
- Day-in-the-Life videos
- Courtroom video playback
- Multimedia video depositions (Magna-fy Depos)
- Picture-in-Picture video technology
- Hyperlinking exhibits to synced video formats (LEF, XMEF, SBF, PTZ, MDB)
- Audio & video conversions
- VHS digitization
- Green screen productions
“Magna-fy” Depositions
- Customization to attorneys’ needs
- Live Picture-in-Picture captured in HD
- Display exhibits to witness using Trial Director on a laptop, or using a mini Elmo, or both
- Touchscreen monitors for witness to annotate exhibits
- Multiple monitors for attending attorneys to view
- Great for trial depositions and expert witnesses
- Trial Director certified videographers and technicians
Video Teleconference Facilities
Magna Legal Services operates state of the art video conference facilities. Whether you need to initiate or join a VTC anywhere across the globe, Magna’s cross platform technology will provide a strong secure connection. Our video and voice software allows one-to-one or group video communication. Our VTC program has a proven track record of reliability with added security features that other video platforms and other video conferencing services simply cannot match.
- Manages complex, multi-feed videoconferences
- Global, real-time deposition participation
- Participate from any Wi-Fi enabled, camera-ready device
- Low cost alternative to multiple party travel expenses
- Present exhibits and share annotations
- Anti-freeze and audio-priority technology
- Dial into any VTC compatible video conference system
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